ABUS4022W: Management in Organizations

3 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilIntellectual CommunityOnline AvailableWriting Intensive

Demands on today's managers, with a focus on small to medium-sized organizations. Techniques/ideas beyond traditional studies. Applying management theory at all levels. Managing in a global workplace. Organizational planning and decision making. Organizing resources. Leading/motivating people. Controlling/evaluating organizational activities. This writing intensive designated course will spend significant time focusing on the writing process. Writing is crucial to this discipline because clear, accurate, and professional communication is essential to organization management. The ability to write effectively in terms of specified audiences ensures, in the professional world, successful communication between team members as well as the success of the projects, companies, and employees they represent. prereq: 45 semester credits recommended

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B+ Average (3.394)Most Common: A (45%)

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1643 students

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