ACCT6100: Financial Statement Analysis

2 Credits

Firms communicate their results to various users through financial statements. By developing an understanding about how companies report their economic transactions, financial statement users can better understand the results of those transactions. Financial statements tell the story of a firm and are the basis upon which business decisions are made, so users need the ability to properly analyze the financial statements in order to make accurate decisions regarding the firm's future. By the end of this course, students should be able to: • Evaluate how a firm's business strategy translates to the financial statements • Recognize potential earnings management • Decipher whether a firm's profitability is sustainable or unsustainable • Understand revenue recognition rules and the potential for manipulation • Articulate the general accounting rules regarding operating activities for a firm • Evaluate how investing and financing activities affect a firm's health • Utilize financial forecasting to predict how a company will likely perform in the future prereq: MBA 6030, MBA student

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A- Average (3.769)Most Common: A (48%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

134 students
  • 4.49


  • 4.68


  • 4.43


  • 4.29


  • 4.65



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