AEM2031: Mechanics for Materials Engineers

3 Credits

This course covers the basics of equilibrium of rigid and deformable bodies for Materials Engineers. The course begins with the principles of statics, including a review of vector operations and analysis of moments and resultant forces from multiple loads, including distributed loads, equilibrium and free body diagrams, center of gravity and moments of inertia. The course then moves on to explore stress and strain, including normal and shear stresses, and stress and strain transformations. Then the materials properties of interest to the mechanical response and testing procedures used to determine these properties are discussed. Lastly, the stresses and strains associated with common loading modes (e.g., axial, torsion, shear and bending) are covered. Modes of failure, including yielding and buckling, are also introduced. prereq: Math 2374, Math 2373 (concurrent allowed), Phys 1301W, CSE Student, Materials Engineering Major or premajor

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