AEM4201: Fluid Mechanics

4 Credits

First course in fluid mechanics. Stress/strain rate descriptions, fluid statics. Use of differential and finite control volume analysis with continuity. Momentum/energy equations, Bernoulli/Euler equations, vorticity, potential flow, incompressible viscous flow using Navier-Stokes equations, dimensional analysis, pipe flow, boundary layers, separation, introduction to turbulence.prereq: 2012, [Math 2373 or equiv], [Math 2374 or equiv], [CSE upper div or grad student]

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B+ Average (3.182)Most Common: A (22%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

566 students
  • 3.95


  • 3.71


  • 4.37


  • 4.06


  • 4.20



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