AMES1806: Modern Middle Eastern Cultures and Societies

3 CreditsArts/HumanitiesGlobal PerspectivesOnline AvailableOral Communication & Languages

What we commonly and monolithically refer to as “the Middle East” in fact consists of many different individual nation-states, each with their own particular historical trajectory and a combined population of half a billion people encompassing a plethora of religious faiths, political orientations, social formations, and varied identities. This course provides a starting point for comprehending this frequently misunderstood part of the world, the diverse peoples who inhabit it, and the myriad cultures they practice. We will address the various problems we encounter when approaching such an unwieldy concept as “the Middle East,” key moments that have shaped modern Middle Eastern cultures and societies, and examples of how cultural production functions in the context of modern Middle Eastern history and politics.

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B Average (3.038)Most Common: A (17%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

187 students
  • 3.48


  • 3.87


  • 4.00


  • 3.74


  • 3.64



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