AMST1906W: Race and Science Fiction

3 CreditsFreshman SeminarArts/HumanitiesRace, Power, and Justice in the United StatesWriting Intensive

Race and Science Fiction considers how science fiction allows us to ask questions about race across time and space. In doing so, the course not only introduces students to how race and racism have been differently constructed throughout history but also gives students the tools to contextualize and critique present issues of racial inequality. The course also sets up first year students for a successful future at the University of Minnesota by introducing them to the core values and themes of a liberal education.

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A- Average (3.817)Most Common: A (75%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

20 students

  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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