AMST1918: The American Quest for Security

3 CreditsFreshman SeminarCivic Life and EthicsGoal 7 - Human DiversityHumanitiesSustainabilityWriting & Information Literacy

For more than half a century, Americans have been concerned about security ? national security as well as personal security. What do Americans mean when they talk about security? What are they worried about, and how do they try to keep themselves safe and secure? The quest for national security has taken shape at the level of foreign policy and military engagement. At the same time, Americans have endeavored to achieve their own safety and security through political and personal efforts. This seminar examines the various ways that citizens have addressed the issue of security in their own lives, whether their fears have been justified, and whether their efforts have kept them safe. The goal is for students to understand the issue of security in a historical context, and to enable them to be effective citizens in a world that often feels dangerous.

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B+ Average (3.278)Most Common: A- (33%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

18 students
  • 4.00


  • 4.50


  • 3.93



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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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    Backend/Data Lead

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    Feature Engineering

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