ANTH3016: Africa and African Diaspora Archaeology

3 CreditsFine ArtsGlobal PerspectivesGoal 7 - Human DiversityHistorical PerspectivesMathematical/Logical Reasoning

Africa and African Diaspora Archaeology (AFRO/ ANTH 3016/5016) examines the evolution of human behavior in Africa and looks at subsequent social, cultural, and technological developments as shown in archaeological records including artifacts, ecofacts, rock art, and structures at archaeological sites. It also discusses methods used to identify archaeological records and how these records can be used to reconstruct past ways of life. Students will obtain hand-on-experience in identifying, classifying, and interpreting archaeological objects. The course covers Africa from around 2.6 million years ago to the recent past, focusing primarily on the last 10,000 years. It examines the development and spread of food production, pottery, metallurgy, trade, and African connections with the Atlantic world dating back to the fifteenth century.

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A- Average (3.538)Most Common: A (50%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

14 students
  • 5.00


  • 4.86


  • 4.88


  • 4.75


  • 4.88



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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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    Backend/Data Lead

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