ANTH4003W: Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Anthropology

3 CreditsIntellectual CommunityWriting Intensive

This course considers issues of race, class, gender, "culture," and globality across multiple genres of writing (ethnography, history, fiction, poetry, memoir). We do this by reading the work of writers who, with an ethnographic sensibility, focus on a particular person whose life is lived in obscurity, at the margins. We ask how such an approach that aims to evoke a world through a life might allow the reader to understand how people move across space and time and through their social worlds, in ways that other kinds of ethnographic or historical writing might not. prereq: [1003 or 1005], or instr consent

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All Instructors

B+ Average (3.482)Most Common: A (42%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

24 students
  • 2.92


  • 2.00


  • 3.27


  • 3.20


  • 2.00



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