APEC3004: Management Science Workshop

2 Credits

The Management Science Workshop focuses on quantitative techniques from management science relevant to applied economics and agribusiness management problems, emphasizing applications of linear and nonlinear programming to decision problems of firms and other organizations. The economic foundations of the models and the economic interpretations of their solutions are emphasized. Specific topics include production planning, logistics, scheduling, inventory management, and network models. The course is lab-based and all applications use Excel, with the Solver add-in, as the software platform; however, more specialized software may be introduced.prereq: ApEc 3001 or Econ 3101

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A- Average (3.552)Most Common: A (27%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

45 students
  • 4.29


  • 2.50


  • 4.47


  • 4.28


  • 3.50



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