APEC8702: Trade and Development II

2 Credits

This course will focus on the applied microeonomics of international development. The course will focus on empirically testing the various theories developed to account for persistent economic underdevelopment and poverty. We will start from key ideas and methods in empirical development economics, then cover household models (both unitary and otherwise), intrahousehold models, market formation and market participation, land markets, technology adoption, risk and insurance, and other topics related to development microeconomics, all from an empirical perspective.: prereq: First-year PhD level microeconomics and econometrics

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All Instructors

A- Average (3.646)Most Common: A (44%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

16 students
  • 4.88


  • 4.80


  • 4.72


  • 4.68


  • 4.80



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