ARAB3102: Intermediate Arabic II

5 Credits

This course is designed for students who have successfully completed three semesters of intensive Modern Standard Arabic. Like its prequels, Intermediate Arabic II focuses on the equal development of the fundamental skills of speaking, writing, reading, and listening in Modern Standard Arabic. Thematic units, however, transcend the communicative needs of daily life to include communication about subjects of a broader cultural, historical and sociological relevance. This course is designed as a communicative and interactive learning environment, with a strong emphasis on practice. Presentations, oral interaction, and writing samples are expected to become lengthier and more intricate. Students study increasingly complex grammar through engagement with authentic oral, print, and digital texts. Pre-req: pass in ARAB-3101/4122 or equivalent experience as assessed through a placement test.

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All Instructors

B Average (3.047)Most Common: A (24%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

315 students
  • 4.31


  • 3.85


  • 4.38


  • 4.24


  • 4.46



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