ARCH5413: Modern and Contemporary Global Architecture

3 Credits

This course is a global history of modern and contemporary architecture, tailored to graduatestudents in the M.Arch. program. The course examines the architectural production of the 20thand 21st centuries through the focused study of buildings, urban plans, unbuilt designs,manifestos, and other visual and textual documents. Students will be called upon to reflect onissues of design, planning, programming, technology, and representation, connecting thiscourse to their architectural training and future professional practice. At the same time, thecourse will offer a critical and multidisciplinary perspective, presenting architecture in the contextof culture, politics, economics, ideology, and other historical developments. The premise of thiscourse is the fundamental role of history for contemporary and future architectural practice. Thecourse assignments, readings, and activities aim to spur a productive dialogue between criticalreflection and historical knowledge with an eye towards creative action.

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All Instructors

A- Average (3.797)Most Common: A (59%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

224 students
  • 3.98


  • 3.67


  • 4.10


  • 3.93


  • 3.69



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