ARCH5435: History of American Architecture

3 Credits

Through lectures, readings, discussion, and research, we will analyze buildings and spaces—architect designed and "vernacular"—in the context of social, political, economic, technological, and ecological change. As we address these issues, we will examine the ways design and daily life, performed locally, interacted with national and global systems and flows; and the role the built environment has played in advancing structures and concepts of class, gender, race, ethnicity, and power. Students will gain a broad familiarity with the history of American buildings and landscapes, develop critical frameworks for analysis, and enhance their understanding of the environments they interact with every day—as designers, citizens, consumers, and professionals.

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All Instructors

A Average (3.974)Most Common: A (86%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

28 students
  • 4.06


  • 4.32


  • 4.21



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