Discover the artistic possibilities of wet and dry mixed media on paper, including water-based painting, wet and dry drawing, and collage. Learn strategies for image-making, techniques for pairing different media, and color theory through both representational and abstract imagery. Explore various subject matter, including images from the imagination, direct observation of the immediate environment, and reference images from a variety of sources. Projects encourage self-directed content and the development of individuals' artistic voice. Students are introduced to contemporary and historical painting, drawing, and mixed media practices as context for art-making. We will develop the verbal and analytical skills necessary to critically examine students’ work. This course provides a focus on the creative process through hands-on investigation. Class time includes student work time, introduction to projects, demonstrations, individual feedback from the instructor, and class critiques. Studio work outside of class is required.
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research
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