ARTS3720: The Extended Image

4 Credits

Photography is coming out of the frame, down off the walls, out into the world and into our lives. This course explores the use of photographs in expanded interdisciplinary work. We will examine its role in both the museum/gallery context as well as in utilitarian, community, and online settings. Projects may incorporate moving image, sound, text, found images, as well as traditional and digital 2D and 3D media. The class explores alternate presentation modes including installation, performance, social engagement, social media and interactive formats. Class activities consist of lectures and videos on historic and contemporary practice, tech and software demonstrations, student research and presentations, field trips and visiting artists. The core of the class is a series of interdisciplinary photographic projects, culminating in a final project of your choice. Students are encouraged to embrace your own passions and interests in your project work, incorporating other art media, life experiences and concerns that drive you as an artist and person. Prerequisite: 1701 or 1704

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