ARTS3790: Mobile Imaging and the Connected World

4 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/Phil

The making and sharing of still and moving images has fundamentally evolved since the advent of the smartphone. 1.94 trillion photos were taken in 2024, 94% of them on mobile phones. This course embraces the phone camera as a serious tool, both for making photographs and sharing and integrating them into most every aspect of our lives. This art class involves both making and sharing of photographs, as well as readings, presentations, and discussions. We will explore how mobile imaging technology and connectivity have transformed every other aspect of our lives—emotional, social, political, economic, and health. The role of mobile devices in social activist movements will be discussed, as well as ethical issues such as privacy, surveillance, and mental health implications. We will also learn about the history, technology, and infrastructure of mobile devices and the internet. Technical and formal aspects of phone photography will be addressed such as advanced camera controls, and in-phone and post image optimization and enhancement software, including AI.

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All Instructors

B+ Average (3.191)Most Common: A- (27%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

15 students
  • 3.86


  • 4.00


  • 4.29


  • 4.29


  • 4.29



  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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