ARTS5810: Advanced Ceramics

4 Credits

Are you interested in creating a compelling body of ceramic work that prepares you to embark on a solid professional path into the visual arts with an emphasis on ceramic material? Advanced Ceramics is a course that facilitates self-directed learning and project development. With your experiences in Introduction to Ceramics, and Intermediate Ceramic Sculpture and Wheel Throwing, this course will facilitate the development of independent, disciplined studio practice. Your instructor will encourage you to elevate and expand conceptual and creative ideas, methods, and modes of visual communication in the realm of ceramics. Engaging in robust studio practice, scholarly research, meaningful peer engagement, and mentorship from your instructor will support the development of independent projects. Your independent projects will culminate in a professional body of work revealing quality craftsmanship, visual unity, and compelling aesthetics to support BFA/BA exhibition/capstone goals. Overall, this course will prepare you with professional skills as a visual artist to sustain after graduation for ongoing professional studio practice, creative growth, and self-evaluation in the ceramic discipline. prereq: ARTS major and ARTS 1801, ARTS 3820 or ARTS 3830

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