AST1910: The Ultimate Questions

2 CreditsFreshman SeminarGoal 7 - Human DiversityHistorical PerspectivesHumanitiesStudent TeachingTopics Course

Why are we here? Not here at the U, or even on Earth, but why do intelligent beings even exist in the universe? How did it all begin? And how is it going to end? Did the universe have to turn out the way it did, or are we simply the lucky one of an infinite number of universes existing across space and time? Of course, we won't answer any of these questions, but their exploration makes for a fascinating journey. Our guidebooks will be two intriguing works by Paul Davies, "The Goldilocks Enigma" and "The Mind of God," anchoring our discussions which are guaranteed to keep you up at night.

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A- Average (3.760)Most Common: A (47%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

32 students
  • 4.34


  • 4.40


  • 4.53



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