BBE4301: Applied Surface and Colloid Science

3 Credits

This course will introduce students to surface and colloid science concepts such as surface tension, wetting, adsorption, capillarity, and the formation and stability of sols, emulsions, and foams. Also discussed will be the water solubility and partition coefficients of organic species and properties of both surfactants and water-soluble polymers. The focus will be on applications with a particular interest in aqueous systems. The course content is highly interdisciplinary and expected to interest undergraduate and graduate students from various fields, including chemistry, chemical engineering, materials sciences, water resources, pulp and paper, agriculture, environmental sciences, pharmacy, and food science. On the course website, we provide slides with notes and links to YouTube videos covering lecture materials and a course schedule listing lectures, demonstrations, exams, and due dates for homework assignments. We strongly suggest that students view YouTube lectures, attend demonstrations, work and submit homework assignments, and review posted solutions. prereq: PHYS 1302W , CHEM 2301, and CHEM 4501 or instructor consent

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