BBE4733: Renewable Energy Technologies

3 CreditsGoal 4 - Mathematical ThinkingLogic & Quantitative ReasoningTechnology and Society

This course provides fundamentals of and yet in-depth discussion on the current and emerging technologies for renewable energy production and application. This course focuses heavily on energy conversion technologies and their efficiency. Advantages and limitations of each type of renewable energy, current and probable future developments in technologies will be addressed. Impact of renewable energy on environment, economy, society, policy, and sustainable development will also be discussed. Students will learn the basic principles and quantitative analysis of various renewable energy technologies, such as biomass/biofuel, solar thermal energy, solar photovoltaic, wind energy, and hydropower, and use of renewable energy, current and future developments in renewable energy technologies, policy, techno-economic analysis, and life cycle analysis. Prerequisites: Upper div CSE or instr consent.

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