BCLA3002: Global Marketing

3 CreditsGlobal PerspectivesOral Communication & Languages

This course provides an exploration of basic knowledge of global marketing, focusing on the impact of environment on the strategies used by firms, and the understanding of consumer behavior management as it relates to the development and implementation of global marketing strategies. Worldwide business represents real opportunities for a firm but also creates difficulties, challenges and new ways of implementing marketing. Global marketing is a specific kind of marketing applied to inter-national firms in order to implement the same strategy within the entire market taking into account cultural, economic, social, political, etc., specificities for each area.This course will provide the basic knowledge of global marketing focusing on the impact of environment on the firm strategy, the development and implementation of a global marketing strategy and the understanding of consumer behavior management in a global strategy. Case studies applied to worldwide business contexts as well as more specific European contexts will provide concrete illustrations for the students.

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A Average (3.878)Most Common: A (61%)

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128 students

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