CEGE5512: Stochastic Ecohydrology

3 Credits

This course will provide the theoretical and quantitative basis for understanding the interactions between the water cycle, vegetation, soil biogeochemistry, and the atmosphere. A main focus of the course will be on modeling the water and carbon dynamics across the soil-plant-atmosphere system. We will provide probabilistic descriptions of this system at the daily, seasonal, and interannual timescales by incorporating various sources of randomness and non-stationarity within the environment, particularly those from rainfall. These concepts and tools will be discussed in the context of sustainable management of water resources and terrestrial ecosystems, especially in view of the changes in the hydrological regime from climate change and societal pressures.prereq: MATH 2373, MATH 2374

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All Instructors

B+ Average (3.445)Most Common: A (38%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

24 students
  • 4.27


  • 4.05


  • 4.39


  • 4.31


  • 4.32



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