CHEM1015: Introductory Chemistry: Lecture

3 CreditsCivic Life and EthicsField StudyOnline AvailablePhysical Sciences

Matter/energy, atoms, compounds, solutions, chemical reactions, mole/chemical calculations, gases, liquids, solids, chemical bonding, atomic/molecular structure, acids, bases, equilibria. Physical/chemical properties of hydrocarbons and organic compounds. Problem solving. prereq: [High school chemistry or equiv], two yrs high school math, not passed chem placement exam, high school physics recommended; Students who will go on to take CHEM 1061/1065 should take CHEM 1015 only. Students who will NOT be continuing on to CHEM 1061/1065 and need to fulfill the Physical Science/Lab core requirement need take the 1-credit lab course CHEM 1017 either concurrently or consecutively. This course will NOT fulfill the Physical Science/Lab core requirement unless the CHEM 1017 lab course is completed either concurrently or consecutively.

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B- Average (2.699)Most Common: A- (14%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

11892 students
  • 2.57


  • 2.48


  • 3.50


  • 2.63


  • 2.92



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