CHEM1071H: Honors Chemistry I

3 CreditsHonorsCivic Life and EthicsPhysical SciencesTopics Course

Advanced introduction to atomic theory. Periodic properties of elements. Behavior of gases, liquids, and solids. Molecular/ionic structure, bonding. Aspects of organic chemistry, spectroscopy, and polymers. Mathematically demanding quantitative problems. Writing for scientific journals. prereq: Honors student, permission of University Honors Program, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1075H; registration for 1075H must precede registration for 1071H

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B+ Average (3.496)Most Common: A (35%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

538 students
  • 4.06


  • 3.84


  • 4.42


  • 3.79


  • 4.35



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