CHN3203: Advanced Chinese Handwriting

2 Credits

This course is designed for students participating in the Chinese Flagship program who have already completed CHN 3201 (Chinese Calligraphy). Students with a Chinese language background may also enroll with the instructor's permission. The course will be taught in Mandarin Chinese.Students will learn the proper methods of composing a Chinese character using pen/pencil. With this foundation, they will advance to writing ancient poetry, couplets, and classical and modern essays. As students learn to write beautiful characters in these texts, they will also gain a better understanding of Chinese culture and literature. Students will also have the opportunity to read and recognize characters written in the Running Script and Casual Script. A deeper understanding of the intricacies in written script allows students to better appreciate the beauty of Chinese literature and engage with its diverse philosophies.

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All Instructors

A Average (3.915)Most Common: A (77%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

65 students
  • 4.76


  • 4.96


  • 4.88


  • 4.77


  • 4.96



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