CHN5042: Contemporary Chinese Texts 1949-present

3 Credits

Advanced Chinese language course focused on contemporary Chinese short stories, novelettes, and prose written since 1949, especially from 1978 to the present. These literary works explore various aspects of contemporary Chinese society, history, and culture including: social prejudices and discrimination against the mentally and physically disadvantaged, the Anti-Rightist Movement, the Cultural Revolution, the drug problem, male-female relationships, education, parental love (and lack thereof), traditional Chinese views of life, rape and sex, influence from the West, and more. Class discussion focuses on the use of the language, the social interpretation of the texts, and the Chinese cultural and philosophical implications found in those works. prereq: CHN 4042 or instructor consent. Recommended: CHN 5041

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A- Average (3.545)Most Common: A (55%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

11 students
  • 4.40


  • 4.45


  • 4.55


  • 4.30


  • 4.44



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