CPSY3301: Introduction to Developmental Psychology
4 CreditsGlobal PerspectivesGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilOnline AvailableSocial SciencesTechnology and Society
Developmental psychology explores change and/or stability as a function of age with a focus on how early experiences affect later development across people's lives. This course examines development through the lenses of social, cultural, cognitive, biological, and learning theories by providing students with an overview of classic as well as current research and methodologies in developmental psychology. Students will gain an understanding of the usefulness of a developmental approach to psychological issues. The course focuses on conceptual understanding of different perspectives on healthy development across their life. This knowledge informs practical applications of how to help children, adolescents, and adults progress through developmental periods.
This course is intended for non-Child Psychology/Early Childhood majors. Those majors should take the cross-listed course CPSY 2301.