CPSY5521: Prevention and Intervention in Early Childhood: Practice and Ethics

3 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

This course is designed to prepare students to apply their knowledge of developmental science, infant mental health, and developmentally informed, dyadic intervention with young children and parents to program development, direct practice and program evaluation. Students will review the interdisciplinary nature of infant and early childhood practice and policy across multiple community settings. The course will examine IECMH intervention strategies in parent support programs, early care and education, home visiting, primary care, community adult mental health, and specialized programming for families experiencing complex challenges, such as parental incarceration, domestic violence, or homelessness. The course will examine professional and relational ethical codes of conduct across disciplines.

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All Instructors

A- Average (3.694)Most Common: A (67%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

97 students
  • 3.00


  • 2.53


  • 3.42


  • 3.05


  • 2.79



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