CSCI5523: Introduction to Data Mining

3 Credits

Data pre-processing techniques, data types, similarity measures, data visualization/exploration. Predictive models (e.g., decision trees, SVM, Bayes, K-nearest neighbors, bagging, boosting). Model evaluation techniques, Clustering (hierarchical, partitional, density-based), association analysis, anomaly detection. Case studies from areas such as earth science, the Web, network intrusion, and genomics. Hands-on projects.prereq: 4041 or equiv or instr consent

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B+ Average (3.339)Most Common: A (22%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

1493 students
  • 3.92


  • 3.61


  • 4.30


  • 3.97


  • 4.14



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