CSE4896: Cooperative Industrial Assignment I

2 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilInternational PerspectivesInternship/Co-opOnline AvailableRace, Power and Justice

This course accompanies an industrial work assignment in engineering and applied science. It includes analysis of technical problems that require developing criteria, evaluating alternatives, and completing a final analysis. A final technical design report emphasizes design communication and describes the technical decision process, analysis, and final recommendations. This course is intended for any College of Science and Engineering student who has been admitted to their major and is participating in the co-op program. There are no specific prerequisites for this course, though it is expected that students taking this course have a background in science or engineering appropriate for their industrial co-op position. Registration is by permission only. Please submit your application to the Co-op Program via Handshake to initiate the course access process. Detailed instructions can be found on the co-op website (https://cse.umn.edu/coop/application-process). This is the first course in a two-semester sequence. CSE 4896 is offered in the summer and spring semesters. CSE 4996 is offered in the Summer and fall semesters. It is expected that students complete a co-op experience back-to-back (i.e. summer/fall or spring/summer). If your co-op plan differs from that, please email co-op@umn.edu to receive permission to take the courses in reverse order.

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A Average (3.982)Most Common: A (96%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

77 students
  • 3.89


  • 4.39


  • 3.56


  • 3.40


  • 3.53



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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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