CVM6961: Equine Selective II

3 Credits

This elective is designed to provide further opportunity for third-year students focused on equine practice to expand their knowledge and skills beyond core levels achieved in the preceding curriculum and Equine Selective I. Content has been chosen to prepare the student for equine work on the large animal rotations and equine or mixed animal practice. Students will study equine disorders, diagnostic testing, anesthesia, and surgical techniques in greater detail through a combination of lectures and labs, and will practice working through clinical cases in a problem-based format. By the end of the course, students will have improved their general knowledge of equine medicine and practice; recognize common medical disorders; select initial diagnostic tests; be able to perform neurologic and urinary tract examiminations; be able to perform upper airway endoscopy; be able to perform transtracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage procedures; and explain therapeutic options for common disorders.

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B+ Average (3.478)Most Common: B (52%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

23 students

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