DES1001: Introducing the College of Design

1 Credit

DES 1001 Is a 1 cr. topics course. This course provides a set of experiences that help to explain the concepts of design through the lenses of different fields of design, both traditional and emerging, within the College of Design. Students from various design disciplines will engage in design experiences that teach them how designers from different fields identify, define and solve problems. They will be introduced to the resources offered to designers in the College of Design through hands-on experiences. Students will reflect upon their experiences by participating in a series of experiences, by submitting a series of reflection pieces, and completing a culminating project that will be shared with class members and invited stakeholders. Through this engagement, students will learn about each other and their motivations for being in the College of Design, as well as gain an understanding of the breadth of the college and its resources as they begin their design education.

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  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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