EE5640: Introduction to Nano-Optics

3 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

This course will cover the physics and technology of nano-optics and plasmonics and their potential applications in biochemical sensing, super-resolution imaging, optical trapping, light emission, and spectroscopy. The following topics will be covered:- Maxwell's equations, E&M of metals- Fresnel's equations, light propagation in periodic media- Physics of surface plasmon waves- Metallic waveguides: metal-insulator-metal vs. insulator-metal-insulator- Optical antennas- Noble metal nanoparticles: Synthesis, optical properties, and applications- Optical biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR)- Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)- Surface enhanced Infrared Absorption (SEIRA)- Super-resolution imaging and near-field optical microscopy- Light transmission through nano-apertures (extraordinary optical transmission)- Plasmonics at long wavelengths (infrared and terahertz)- Plasmonics in atomically thick materialsKnowledge of Maxwell's equations, Matlab, or Mathematica coding is suggested but not required.

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A Average (3.906)Most Common: A (73%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

40 students
  • 4.36


  • 4.75


  • 4.26


  • 4.41


  • 4.00



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