EE8744: Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Renewable Energy Systems

3 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

The electrical power system has been widely recognized as the most important engineering achievementof the 20th century. High power quality and availability are maintained in the bulk powersystem mainly by enforcing hierarchical operational practices, central decision making, and topologicalredundancy. However, this status quo is being challenged by changing generation, consumptionand operational landscapes. Particularly, increased renewable generation, supply scarcity, the impetusto improve resiliency to extenuating weather impacts, and expanding electricity access call for thedevelopment of transformative architectural and operational paradigms. Recognizing these developments,this course will present enabling modeling, analysis, and control methods that will be integral toarchitect next-generation renewable-based power systems. These methods will be developed adoptinga bottom-up approach by leveraging recent theoretical advances in circuit theory, nonlinear systems,complex networks, and stochastic processes.

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A Average (3.910)Most Common: A (78%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

27 students
  • 4.14


  • 3.29


  • 4.32


  • 4.36


  • 3.57



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