ENGW3111W: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing

4 CreditsWriting Intensive

What fantastic world will you write? In this craft class, you will build a world, write a short story and expand it into a longer work of fiction up to twenty-five pages as is characteristic for the overall genre. Your work of fiction might be alternate history, apocalyptic fiction, cyberpunk, magical realism, speculative fiction, sword and sorcery or another subgenre. Along the way, your instructor will introduce you to classic and contemporary science fiction and fantasy short stories, including those written by Black, Brown, female-identified and/or queer writers. Each week, your instructor will also give mini-lectures about topics of interest and provide you with writing exercises and prompts that are peculiar to this genre. soft prerequisite of one introductory creative writing class: ENGW 1101W, ENGW 1102W, ENGW 1103W, ENGW 1104W, ENGW 1911W, ENGW 1912W, ENGW 1913, ENGW 1914W, ENGW 1915W or instructor permission

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A Average (3.982)Most Common: A (95%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

19 students

  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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