EPSY3303: Educational Psychology Undergraduate Practicum

3 CreditsGoal 3b - Physical ScienceHuman DiversityMathmatical/Symbolic ReasoningPhysical & Biol Sci w/LabPracticumResearchService LearningStudent TeachingTechnology and Society

This culminating course familiarizes students with the principles and practice of applied psychology in educational and community settings. Through supervised fieldwork experiences in either research or practice settings, students will develop an understanding of ethical considerations in educational psychology and explore how psychological research can be used to advance the practice of psychology in applied settings. This course is designed for undergraduate students completing an Educational Psychology undergraduate minor or the Special Education major. The course meets for 120 minutes weekly, and students complete 90 hours of fieldwork (approximately 8-10 hours/week). This is a community-engaged learning course. Fieldwork experiences can include: * A research experience conducted with an approved Educational Psychology faculty member. * A practical experience in an approved community engaged service-learning setting. Note: students in the special education major must complete fieldwork related to disabilities and/or special education.

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