EPSY3801: The Science of Human Resilience and Wellbeing: Foundational Knowledge for Career and Life Success

3 CreditsComm, Lang, Lit, & PhilosophySocial Sciences

This course is for any undergraduate student interested in learning about and applying the theory and practice as it relates to resilience and wellbeing. This course integrates key cross-cutting, scientific findings from a range of psychological disciplines, including positive psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, neuropsychology, and social psychology. Stated simply, resilience refers to the human capacity and ability to both survive and thrive in the face of life circumstances. Students will develop a deep understanding of the theoretical concepts of stress, resilience, and wellbeing, as well as specific resilience practices scientific research has shown enable people to better manage and bounce back from stressful situations and enhance their social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in career and personal aspects of life.

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All Instructors

A- Average (3.798)Most Common: A (82%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

292 students
  • 4.77


  • 4.71


  • 4.70


  • 4.63


  • 4.53



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