ESL5302: Academic Writing

4 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilOnline Available

This course is designed for graduate students who speak a first language other than English. The course focuses on foundational writing skills and emphasizes the writing process - developing ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Guided textual analyses of discipline-specific readings are used to develop writing skills through the close examination of strategies employed by accomplished writers. Through ongoing, active participation, students learn to (1) match writing to audience and purpose, (2) produce different genres of academic writing, (3) incorporate discipline-specific source material into writing, and (4) critique their writing and that of others. Gains in writing skills culminate in students’ ability to transfer acquired skills into discipline-specific writing. Through development of personal voice and an appreciation for the importance of the credibility of the writer, students also learn to recognize and avoid plagiarism. Problems with sentence structure, lexical grammar, and diction are addressed individually. Prerequisites: Graduate student, a first language other than English

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B Average (3.130)Most Common: S (29%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

319 students
  • 4.10


  • 3.97


  • 4.24


  • 3.94


  • 4.28



  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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