ESPM3271: Environmental Policy, Law, and Human Behavior

3 CreditsBiological SciencesCivic Life and EthicsComm, Lang, Lit, & PhilosophySocial Sciences

What is necessary to achieve sustainable societies. What influences societal deliberation/decisions about environmental issues. How our behaviors affect natural systems. Key theoretical concepts of environmental social psychology and political science. How people respond to policies, using theoretical concepts from social psychology about attitudes, values, and social norms; applying these ideas to specific environmental problems and ethical debates.

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All Instructors

B+ Average (3.462)Most Common: A (43%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

602 students
  • 3.63


  • 3.55


  • 4.03


  • 3.72


  • 3.82



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