ESPM3777: Climate Change- Physics, Myths, Mysteries, and Uncertainties

3 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilOnline Available

Climate variations are the norm; not the exception. The geological and archaeological records are rich with evidence of a climate system that is dynamic and in a non-steady state. Yet we face the challenges of understanding the complexities of this system in order to manage our natural resources and to prepare wisely for the future. This class examines the basic theory and Physics behind the atmospheric greenhouse effect and radiative forcings in the climate system. The Myths, Mysteries, and Uncertainties about the climate record and feedback processes operating in the Earth-Atmosphere system will be examined. Simple models will be used to demonstrate the atmospheric greenhouse effect. Sophisticated numerical weather models, such as the Regional Weather and Forecast Chemistry (WRF-CHEM) model, will be used to demonstrate climate predictions and biophysical feedback processes. We will also study some of the classic Warming Papers that provide the physical scientific basis for the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. Finally, we will explore the uncertainties related to climate predictions and how scientists use fingerprint techniques to diagnose natural versus anthropogenic climate signals. prereq: Prepared students will have ESPM 1425, MATH 1271, PHYS 1101W, or equivalent coursework.

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