FINA4234: Mergers and Acquisitions In Action – Process and Valuation

2 Credits

This Action Based Course will explore in an experiential way the methodology corporate managers employ and invest capital to achieve growth and a return to its shareholders through mergers and acquisitions. Starting with the strategic rationale and ending with the challenges of integration, this course will focus on the process used for identifying M&A targets and the methods used in practice to value these transactions. The objectives of the course will be to leverage skills mastered in the core curriculum: finance, marketing, accounting, and operations – and other related courses that will help you in this class. Prerequisite: Fina 4422

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A- Average (3.528)Most Common: A (34%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

284 students
  • 3.94


  • 3.86


  • 4.20


  • 4.05


  • 4.04



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