GEOG3161: How the World Made Europe

3 CreditsFine ArtsGlobal PerspectivesHistorical Perspectives

It is impossible to think about the contemporary world without the lasting impact Europe has had on it. But what are the deeper reasons for Europe to emerge as a dominant region from the late Middle Ages onwards? Why has Europe recently found itself in profound economic and political, even existential crisis? Historical geography provides answers. Divided by landscape, language, religion, and war, European empires imposed the state-form, capitalism, and their cultures on the rest of the world. European societies even became the supposed standard for how all humanity is meant to live. But there have always been cracks in this success story. The project of the European Union promised peace and prosperity for half a billion people but faces unprecedented challenges, from Brexit, the Ukraine war, and the return of state racism to climate change and covid. This course will guide you through Europe?s general historical characteristics to understand how it shaped globalization.

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