GEOG3511: Principles of Cartography

4 Credits

GEOG 3511/5511 is a basic introduction to cartography—the art, science, and technology of maps and map making. Our primary emphasis will be on map making, with lesser emphasis on cartographic research and the history of cartography. Lectures will focus on modern cartographic design principles, how they were developed, and how they might be changing. Lab assignments help develop skills using digital tools for producing effective maps. The course has several specific learning objectives: • use software to create maps that communicate their subjects appropriately and effectively using sound cartographic design principles • acquire or produce a base map that is appropriate in scale, projection, and generalization • select and aggregate data appropriately to represent on a map using a suitable symbolization strategy • gain an understanding of how current changes in technology impact maps and map making • understand how fundamental design decisions might differ for printed maps and web/mobile maps • understand how contemporary GIS and cartography are interrelated, including the use of GIS becoming ubiquitous and map making becoming increasingly available to anyone • gain an appreciation for the 3,500+ year history of maps! prereq: 3 cr in geog or instr consent

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