HINF5620: Data Visualization for the Health Sciences

3 Credits

An advanced health informatics course, focusing on theoretical and practical aspects of data and information visualization for health care and the health sciences. Topics include classic and novel visualization types; models of human visual perception and cognition; color, text and typography; maps and diagrams; evaluation and testing; and the aesthetic and cultural aspects of visualization. Examples emphasize health sciences applications for clinicians, patients, researchers, and analysts. Modern programming and commercial tools are discussed, including D3, ggplot2, and Tableau. Students will report on and discuss visualization methods, published studies and books, culminating in a final visualization project of the student's choosing.

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All Instructors

A Average (3.967)Most Common: A (82%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

11 students
  • 4.79


  • 4.50


  • 4.86


  • 4.86


  • 4.75



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