HSEM2231H: How ‘Green’ is ‘Green’ Energy: Environmental Protection vs Sustainable Energy Initiatives

3 CreditsHonorsArts/HumanitiesEntrepreneurshipEnvironmentGoal 3a - Biological ScienceWriting Intensive

Northern Minnesota has long been an area of interest for both its natural beauty and its mineral resources. Prior to colonization, it was home to the Anishinaabeg. Today, northern Minnesota is home to a diverse community and environment that includes Indigenous Nations, a thriving tourist industry, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, and mining companies. Currently, there is intense debate around the establishment of new mines in northern Minnesota to exploit the metals necessary for the manufacturing of technology, specifically the metals needed to sustain green energy initiatives. This seminar will address the question "How green is green energy" by exploring the delicate balance among resource availability, societal energy needs, ethical land management, and ultimately climate change and long-term sustainability. To gain perspective on this complicated balance we will first learn about the Earth System, climate change, and energy resources. We will then review the geologic processes that formed mineral resources in northern Minnesota and how the exploitation of these resources has impacted local cultures and economies. The last part of the semester will focus on the current debate about mining in northern Minnesota and the broader framework of sustainable energy. Through readings and discussions, you will gain an appreciation for the multidisciplinary and multicultural perspectives related to human interactions with our environment, energy needs, and the importance of effective communication.

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A- Average (3.810)Most Common: A (64%)

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14 students

  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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