HSM4041: Leadership in Health Services Management

3 Credits

Learning about health care leadership will occur in three ways: exploration of foundational leadership theory with strategies, values, characteristics, and styles (the context); analysis of personal perspectives and beliefs about leadership (interpretation of the context); and examination of evolving health care industry trends. The course will assist students in understanding the most serious challenges facing the health care services market, presenting ways to address these challenges through emerging best practices and tapping existing relevant theories of leadership in health care. Each student will learn about their personal leadership style, and emphasis will be placed on self-awareness, critical thinking skills, culture development, and management of conflict. Case studies will be used to explore up-to-date examples concerning the external environment leaders face as they attempt to deal with what seems like daily change in their redesigned health care organizations. It is a hybrid course with live lectures, group projects, and leadership simulation.

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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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