HSM4065: Information Privacy and Security in Health Services Management

3 CreditsGoal 7 - Human DiversityTechnology and Society

Developing and implementing a security and privacy program in a health care environment. Privacy and security from societal, health care operations, and regulatory perspectives. Final project uses resources in the public domain to design a security and privacy program that supports regulatory compliance requirements and that considers customer/patient concerns and experience, health care provider experience and workflows, operational workflows, and regulatory compliance. Topics include importance of security in health care; risk concepts and value of health information, usability, and security/privacy; federal and state regulations; impact of technology on security; health care operations; what can be learned from other industries; security certifications; and breach response.

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A- Average (3.694)Most Common: A (69%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

340 students
  • 4.53


  • 4.59


  • 4.60


  • 4.40


  • 4.44



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