INET4121: DevOps II: Development Strategies

4 Credits

DevOps (Development and Operations) is the term used to describe the collaboration of software engineers with the quality assurance and operations teams who test, deploy, and operate new systems. Its goal is to generate better and more continuous feedback regarding what is being developed, consumed, and operated, in order to increase delivery and deployment speed while maintaining system stability. Topics include configuration management, application deployment, monitoring of application and infrastructure performance, version control, and testing and building systems. Professional software engineering tools for the continuous integration tool chain are surveyed, and the Python language, combined with operating system and web functions, is used to develop tools for automating DevOps practices. (Though assignments are in Python, students with only Java or C++ should be able to learn Python quickly.)prereqs: CSCI 4061 or operating system knowledge, basic knowledge of Python

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B Average (2.954)Most Common: B+ (27%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

22 students
  • 3.91


  • 4.67


  • 4.21


  • 3.97


  • 4.67



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