JOUR3103: Interactive and Data Journalism

3 Credits

This course teaches concepts, tools, and techniques for effective data journalism storytelling on digital platforms. Students will develop ways to display stories through the most important emerging tools for using structured information in journalism, including learning the fundamentals of gathering data and performing analyses to find stories and creating visualizations to illustrate trends and patterns. Students will use maintain a blog to curate their work, learning how to use what they build in one of the most common content management systems. Students will rely on open-source tools, but will also learn basic coding to customize those tools for more effective digital presentation. Students will also learn about and critique other digital storytelling formats, user experience concepts, and web analytics. prereq: [JOUR 3004 or 3004H], JOUR 3101, JOUR major

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  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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